Sunday, June 3, 2007

Kindergarten Graduation

Jared's kindergarten program was last Thursday morning. They sang songs about the alphabet, counting, and a song called "Magical Me." It reminded me about a book called "Everything I need to know I learned in Kindergarten." I really liked his kindergarten teacher. She is so good with kids. I was a little sad as I sat there and thought about this fall when he will start 1st grade. What am I going to do?


R,J,J,G,N Fin said...

Kim - I am feeling that way thinking about Noey starting kindergarten. I cannot even bring myself to think about what my life will be like when he goes to school full time. : (

Mom Fin said...

Jared! How time is flying! You are such a sweetheart. At times the tough kid with lots of muscles, falling out of, off of, whatever, breaking teeth, bones and skin, and then on the other hand holding little Abby so tenderly and so lovingly and so carefully. You are a special little boy.
We love you.